Can I book interpreters for my virtual event?
Of course you can! Even if you are planning an online event, you can still count on the help of professional English-German conference interpreters. Professional simultaneous interpreters are available for anything from a video conference to a virtual townhall meeting. If the participants can take part virtually, so can the interpreters.
RSI: Remote Simultaneous Interpreting
Remote simultaneous interpreting, RSI for short, surged in popularity during the COVID pandemic and has since been used more frequently than before 2020. There are of course scenarios where remote interpreting makes sense. Flying German-English interpreters from Europe to Japan where they will be needed for about 90 minutes is neither cost-effective nor sustainable. However, for events that span several days and entail several hours of translation per day, having the language professionals on-site is always the preferable option – for the interpreting team’s benefit and to ensure smooth sailing in all languages
English-German Distance interpreting
A very important factor in distance interpreting is of course audio quality. For simultaneous interpreters, it is vital that organisers and attendees of the online-event follow certain guidelines. These include muting everybody who is not currently speaking and participants using appropriate microphones to ensure good sound quality.
The best solution for remote interpreting is using a DI hub. These distance interpreting hubs are fitted with booths and can be rented for online events. This setup comes with several advantages: The hub technicians can help you during the planning stage and are available during the online conference to troubleshoot and assist the interpreting team should any difficulties arise. They provide a reliable, high-performing internet connection to ensure avoiding delays or outages. Outside noise that may disrupt performance cannot penetrate the booth and the interpreters work from a booth just like they would in an on-site scenario, their translation quality benefitting from this ideal setup.